Sunday, July 1, 2012

I don't know if it's just me or what, but I have an even deeper reason to think God is soon to come because there are tons of ppl coming to know God, being saved, and surprisingly these ppl are ppl no one would think they would. However, sadly, a lot more ppl are becoming even more wicked & surprisingly these are ppl no one would think they would be. (Ironic, huh?)

Matthew 7:14 (NLT)
14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.

Ask yourself, "which group do I fit in?" If your answer is w/ God, AMEN. So be alert you don't allow Satan's temptations get a hold of you, because trust me he wants to add you to his group! Now if you answered either "I don't know, I'm a 'good' person so I think I am worthy of God" or your answer was "eh, God, really?" I pray you would come to meet Him before it's too late! Remember no one is saved because they are 'good' NO ONE is good. God is good! We are saved only trough Jesus & we can only try to be good IMITATORS of what it truly means to be Good (Jesus)!

I pray I can be the best possible Jesus IMITATOR!
Lets all be the best Jesus IMITATORS!

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