Thursday, July 12, 2012

When you throw things into your buggy at the grocery store do u stop & think how blessed you are because YOU CAN buy those things? I'm talking especially to ppl like me who sometimes have it hard & live check by check. Why do I? Because we can complain how hard we have it (& we do have it hard no doubt about it) but I know there are many out there like me who lash out at God 'cause we're stressing, fretting about living on a real tight budget, but hey at least we have a budget. I've always acknowledged how others have it worse, but right now as I was shopping & throwing things in my buggy that were wants & not needs made me realize it even more. It's like God was telling me "why do u complain so much when others have NOTHING & u get to do what u just did? I gave you the blessing to pick what u wanted to throw in your buggy. Thank me, stop complaining & acknowledge what I'm doing for u" (& I did do as He said which also persuaded me to ask y'all these questions) I've never been much of a complainer, but in the past year I have, which its been mostly about life & God's purpose for my life. So I'm glad He is faithful & a Great Teacher who teaches me how blessed I am. I can't wait til the day I can be a big blessing to others & to be God's vessel in which He can display His love & mercy. I thank God for the very lil (or a lot as those who aren't as blessed would say) of what I have & I pray He would bless, as much as He's blessed us, to those who have it worse than us. I pray He continues to be patient & show me all that I am blessed w/ every day! All in Jesus' Name I pray & thank Him... Amen!

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