Saturday, July 28, 2012

Change in the world & in the church can only start with YOU...

Do you think this world needs change? Are you one that says "I don't need to be in church while there are 'fake' ppl in it."? So you feel justified to do what you do. Well if y'all want change why not be part of it instead of making endless wishes when you're not part of the answer to your wishes or prayers. I thought just like that for many years growing up & if it weren't for one night that I realized I needed Jesus to be the change in me & acknowledged change came from ME ALLOWING JESUS to do the work, I would never go to church or be who I am today. I go to church for Jesus, I go to be a change in the world and yes I go the be PART of the change in the church & with the church. Church can't change me, Jesus can. You've might've heard that "the church is like a hospital for sick ppl" and yes its a good analogy, but think about this: when you go to the hospital to get cured/better do you seek to get cured by the nurse or by the Doctor? I go to church not to be changed/better by the pastor I go to get cured by The Doctor/Jesus. Nurses like pastors are simply "good" helpers, but they can only do so much. So if you go to see how well the church can make you its like expecting the nurses to give you their own personal "medical" advice instead of actually waiting for the nurses to come back with a reply from the doctor. Also, the nurses do give us many times a reply from the doctor but they always set an appointment for you to personally meet the doctor & to truly see what the doctors advice is. Same thing in church we can get a word from our heavenly Doctor trough our pastors, but we get to personally meet Him & know His genuine advice when we set an appointment to meet Him personally trough His Word/trough His Holy Bible! _\m/

I hope this all made sense and it wasn't "all over the place", lol.

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