Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trials & Adversities are like an oven...

"He pours the cream of His Spirit over everything, sprinkles some grace and mercy on top, puts it in a hot oven of trial & adversity, & - voilĂ ! - a delicious offering we never thought our lives would ever produce again, ready to serve to a hungry world that's equally in need of redemption." ~Priscilla Shirer (A study from Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted)

(This is perfect for me to remember. When I'm in hardships all I need is to remember is that I'm still in the oven & The Master Chef is watching when I'm ready to be taken out & be served to feed this hungry world) Ha!, sometimes I wanna think I know more than the Chef & so I demand to be taken out of the oven because I feel I might just be over cooked & its not til I realize I'm the product of the Chef & not til He knows I'm ready will I be a serving for others, so it's when I realize "yup, I need a bit more roasting" :)

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