Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I've been seeing lately a lot of men faithfully serving the LORD & honestly growing up I've never really seen that in many ppl (particularly men) And I don't think there is ANYTHING more attractive in a man than his love & fire for God. A man who places God before ANYONE/ANYTHING (even his own fleshly desires) & isn't ashamed of being called a fanatic or "obsessive". (This applies to everyone, even women). Too many ppl like to say "too much of anything is bad" Well I faithfully disagree when someone says that a persons obsession for God is bad. There's no such thing as too much love for God if anything there isn't much love :( The kind of obsession that is bad is the one when we are hooked/idolizing things we think are "good." Obsession is not bad if its placed in the One & Only God. My obsession is love & devotion to God & to live my life for Him & not for me or anyone else. So of-course I think these things make anyone extremely more attractive than anything else. God is my 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice (only choice). He's above the love for my fam/frnds, above ANYONE elses beliefs or rules, & above my OWN fleshly desires. :)

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