Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word

                                             I feel that any Religion that says they're the "right religion" is claiming to be "self righteous". Now is that something God wants us to act like? I believe that any Christian Church that does not call or believe they are the "right church" & does not believe that they are the only way to Jesus is what a Church is/ The Bride of Jesus. We are all humans who are sinners & therefore can never be RIGHT on our own or w/ religion but only tru Jesus who cleansed us from our sins. So how can we meet w/ Jesus if not tru religion?... You can meet Him tru His Word, The HOLY BIBLE. We can all be in communion w/ our fellow believers/Christians in any building because a church is not a place where we go learn about God, but rather a group of people who just meets up in "one" place a few times a week. However, we're the church 24/7, we are The Church and Gods hands & feet. Any Christian Church (group of ppl) that follows the Bible & knows our salvation comes from Jesus & not from any religion/denomination is what I believe to be The Church that is allowing the Holy Spirit to the preaching. The Church CAN be in any & all parts of the world all we need in order for that to happen is ask God to help us & guide us in the way we should spread His Word & His Gospel. I pray that I may have been able to help someone who didn't care for Jesus or His church based on religion based on how some self proclaimed "self righteous" person treated them. I also want to make clear since we are the ones that consist of what is called The Church please understand who we all are, you & I are not perfect so don't depend on someone who calls themselves Christian or Pastor to be Christlike 'cause at the end of the day you are responsible of your own relationship with Jesus and what He has to offer, SALVATION . Are you going to allow what other Christians do affect the way you feel towards Jesus or are you going to allow Jesus/The Bible to be the One to control how you feel and live? Its a choice, YOUR choice, & like Joshua 24:15 says, ... But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 

NOTE: My blog page is in no way related to this guys page. I don't know him, so my comments might not necessarily mean we see things the same way. However, I clearly see somethings the same he does and it is why I have posted, so far, two of his videos. Also, I don't ever mean/intend to judge or condemn any one so if it does ever come across that way I truly apologize c~:

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