Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13: 1-3

If I can speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy
But I don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate
If I speak God's word with power, revealing all His mysteries
And making everything as plain as day
And if I say to a mountain jump and it jumps
But I don't love, I'm nothing
If i give all I own to the poor
Or if I even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr
But I don't have love, I've gotten nowhere
So, no matter what we say, no matter what we believe, no matter what we do
We're bankrupt without love

[Love this verse! So much truth to it and honestly allowing God to free us from hate is truly liberating, liberating to oneself. My... in my past I never thought a person could be w/o hate, but it isn't so. Disliking someone doesn't mean we hate or need to hate them. I hate only what is evil, but I've certainly learned not to hate the evil doer, even they have the chance of redemption. A person isn't evil (may sound nuts) as the likeness of God we can't be and 'though we see all these manifestations of evil at the end its all the enemy of our souls who is evil. So while I can be tempted to hate evil doers {as we've all been at some point of our lives} I'll remember what hate feels like and the meaning of it, so NO room for hate!] :)

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