Thursday, March 7, 2013

"For me, religion was about 'what not to do.' Spirituality opens you up, sets you free." ~Stapp (Creed)


lt frustrates me when people confuse me for a religious person. Christianity is not a religion but rather a Faith. Religion is a man made label! Sometimes is easier for me to simply explain myself as Spiritual (but even then people get confused, since sadly people have misconstrued Spirit as anything but The One True God). So, I can only pray that by my words and actions, people can see the difference...
Even within other faiths (not just Christians) have religions.

BTW: I am not bashing religion. I have no problem going to any religious Christian church I simply will not subscribe to one. I follow God's leading and I believe no matter one's religion we are all God's children and that's what's being a Christian, being renewed by our Heavenly Father & not man's doctrines. The Bible will be our main source of God's Will & pastors are simply helpers/ teachers. We can look at it this way: when we went/go to school we don't just go listen & take notes from our instructors, though they are very nologable on the subject there's so much they can do for us so therefore we have homework. Samething with Pastors & The Bible. And just like misunderstanding an Instructor homework will help clarify the subject, SO will The Bible.

P.S. Good Morning.
{Numbers 6:24-26}

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