Thursday, December 13, 2012

[Misconception Verse 3 By: Odd Thomas] Church Clothes (Mixtape) Abum By: Lecrae

You probably have it all figured out, right?
Like you're the type that believes that if you act right
Then that just might make you righteous in God's sight
You've been a really good person, you followed the good book as much as you could
You probably didn't go to church as much as you should, but it's all good
I mean you never really killed anybody, never really steal from anybody
You never luste...d much, or did much, touching of any bodies
You never use the Lord's name in vain, and you respect you neighbor
You try to maintain peace, love your enemies and not hold on to anger
You really believe that you could receive God's favor by your good deeds and right behavior
But you're dead in your transgressions and need a savior
Cause you could never win God's approval with the removal of sinful discretions –
Your righteous acts of removing God's wrath is in fact the biggest misconception...

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