Thursday, July 25, 2013

 This picture reminds me of how Christ's followers can get caught up on what they believe to be right even when there’s a possibility that they’re not entirely “right” (or entirely “wrong”).
Many times we can all be right with regards to our own personal walk with Jesus. As Romans 14 better explains it… (paraphrased) one thing may be right or suitable for one person and not to the other person in which case who are we to interfere and belittle someone else’s personal walk with Jesus. That’s between the individual and Jesus.
  For the most part all who claim to be Christ’s followers can agree on matters like murder, adultery, theft, et cetera because it is as clear to one believer as to the other why they’re is wrong.
 When a follower is truly seeking God the truth can be as simple as understanding the reason why murder is wrong. However, in other cases it can be as complex as one person interpreting “Sabbath” as Saturday a day of rest (holy) vs “Sabbath” as every day is holy so any day can be a day of rest (holy).
 Point is some things are just meant for Christian’s own personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus has made it very clear to all Christians the morals we all need to live by and that is something we all could agree on.