Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

True Salvation (Gateway Church)

Man, this pastor preaches like it's supposed to be preached. He wont sugar coat the truth. If you're going to hell you're going to hell, your life will be a testimony of that. I'll admit, telling someone whether they're going to hell or not is a tough truth for me not to sugar coat (and I'm normally not a 'sugar coater'). I've even heard a very popular pastor calling evil what is evil but when asked if that would send a person to hell he said he "couldn't say." Sadly, many times I would say that but other times is just easier for me to just show them what scriptures say to prove I'm not being bias or anything like that, which is easier for a person to examine their own life if they truly care for the Truth. And of course it "isn't" for us judge whether or not someone will go to hell, but rather Jesus is the Judger and He DID! So point to the scriptures where Jesus preached it like it is! Sadly, many will go to hell and few to heaven, its even sadder that "church" goers and even pastors are among those many. Also, I've heard many people say "I was saved at such at 'such & such time' but I rededicated my life during this time (which was when change was evident)." Well, that always seemed senseless to me when people would say that. I would think if salvation and re-dedication really was how they said it was for them then I could easily say that with my life. However, I know that isn't so, yes at an early age a seed was planted (which made think I was a Christian) so for most of my life I was in the "pregnancy stage/in the womb" but I wasn't saved til I was born from a seed that was conceived long ago. When I was born (reborn in Christ) that's when true salvation came to pass. My life did change, I did feel different, with the change growth came & as I grew in Christ any misguided truths became clear & the deception obsolete. Getting baptized as an adult was not a re-dedication statement rather a statement of "now I've been saved." My child baptism wasn't when I was saved. Yes, as a kid I "knew" what it "meant" when I was dipped in that water "ooh yes now I'm truly a 'Christian'," but truly Jesus didn't have my life. I hadn't given it to Him and I didn't know what it meant to. I thought -that seed- /the knowledge of Jesus was Christianity. I hadn't even heard the word or understood "reborn and salvation." I just knew Jesus died for me & loved me & is God, that's it. It's been about 4yrs now that I've been reborn, but this time in Christ, from a seed that was planted as a kid. And I love it even in times when I feel like my old ways were better but this new Life just won't quit on me. He loves me, convicts me, strengthens me to continue with His change in me and the growth that comes with it. Many times I wonder why so many who seemed on fire for Jesus have gone back to their old ways with no sense of remorse? That's one of the many times when I pray to God to search my heart & reveal any wicked way in me & for His deliverance. But as Jesus said His sheep know His voice & what His Father in heaven has given to Him can never be snatched away from His grip. I am His, He has me in His grip (which gives me comfort & many butterflies, lol) & even when I feel like this life isn't worth it He doesn't loose His grip but rather tightens it closer & reminds my I'm saved & their is no room for my old ways. He is jealous for me & will not share me with any one or thing! Now that's a love I can't get from anyone else nor need from anyone else!