Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Faith in GOD and not on Superstitions

Where's the faith of a Christian when they say (or) "knock on wood"? Are superstitions stronger than the Almighty Creator? How about we be an example to others & put our faith in Jesus & say/think "LORD willing...."

I remember once (way after becoming a Believer) I said something & then I saw myself about to say & knock on wood. And its when I held back & realized that by doing that I was idolizing something that has no power (it wasn't that I truly ever believed it worked but some things are habits we pickup as kids w/o even knowing what it means). There are many things that in time with God your spirit will let you know what's right without ever being thought by anyone.

I am who He says I am!

My past no longer defines me. My present temptations does NOT define me. My struggles, my mannerisms, my personality, etc... does not define me. No one in existence has that power over me, only my Father can & does. He says I am His! He says I'm His Royal Princess & that slacks, shirts, & tattoos does not make me less of a princess. Yeah, so what if the world expect women to be "girly girls" My Father says I am who He says I am & was created to be, so not even I can change or define myself, it is impossible!
I'm glad of finally knowing the true meaning of Love & of a Father. I'm so excited of meeting the Lover of my soul, my Father, the One & only who's made me fall head over heals in love, God!!! Yes, I am a Believer & though most of my outward appearances have not changed, my heart has & it will continue to til The Bride's Grooms comes to take me into perfection... Oh, what a glorious day that will be!!! As one of my favorite songs "There Will Be a Day" by (I think) Jeremy Camp which says: There will be a day when I'll see Him face to face. Oooh, it always gives me chills & very anxious & happy to know there WILL BE A DAY. How greater will it be if every person whose crossed paths with me were to be there, too! (From strangers that never crossed words with me to the people that did).

Remember this, like someone who struggled with alcohol was called an alcoholic by society because of their struggles. That still does not define the person much less when they've joined the heavenly family. So "once an alcoholic always an alcoholic" is not to be considered a definition nor a life long bondage when you're in Christ.
I'm not fat, I have fat. No one's an alcoholic, but rather have a bondage to alcohol, they have a problem but they are not the problem, bondage & sin is. We all have had or have bondages but their is some One who can free you from them & give you your true identity, your true name, He will be the One to define you. Yes, I was alot of things before Christ. Even when I've always hated subscribing to labels (which I still do) in my past I even took the liberty of allowing society to define me just to suit their ignorance, but now I know better.
And, like Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
Now, I say...:
When I was an unbeliever ("child") I talked like a heathen ("child")and thought like heathen ("child") I reasoned like a heathen (child"). When I became a believer ("man") I left my old heathen ways behind me (I put the ways of childhood behind me).