Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bible Study HELP --- is a good source of help for your Bible studies. Emphasis on [Help] NOT dependency!!!!!! Their answers come with Bible references for us to LOOK UP!

Be Ready to Give a Defense to Everyone Who Asks You a Reason for the Hope that is In You

1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV) But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 

I know many of you, by now, know that I'm a big fan of [doing your own studies on the Word] and not just simply because we learn more of Him but its quality time we need to build a deeper relationship. So I read this verse a few months ago on this web page---

--- & I'm like "see, we are to stand up for our belief but how will anyone be able to if they are depending on what he or she said (referencing to another believer or pastor)? I know we can forget where the references in the Bible are of a lot of what we learn, but I suggest using a notebook - after all notebook has always been in use for any studies. So even though I red this months ago I don't think I ever shared it, but I pray it can motivate us all to do our own studying after all the Bible is a Teacher of its own and not an ordinary text book. So I suggest to read this awesome web page, because it has a perfect example as to why we must study!
p.s.  2 Timothy 4:2-4 is also very much applicable to this post.

FYI studying the Bible isn't a race either on how fast u can read or study it, if anything that makes it harder to actually learn. Shoot I started my One Year Bible about 15 months ago & I'm still 4 months behind. Though for the most part I have no good reason for being that far behind I realized this isn't a race & the Bible is set up for people who are avid readers. So, I'm considering doing half readings each day just as long as my motives are in the right place to learn and NOT race trough it.


A Christian woman lusting over a Christian man (or vise versa) doesn't make it any less wrong than a worldly woman lusting over a worldly man (or vise versa) Do NOT let Satan's angelic facade deceive you!