Friday, March 30, 2012

We Love You - Iran & Israel - ASL

                                            Within 0:51 seconds you'll hear an Israeli man talking about love for the Iranians :) and this woman will be interpreting for him in ASL

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I think everyone should, I mean must, read the Bible on their own & not depend only on someone elses "teaching." We are All HUMANS & therefore SINNERS, so one can't expect to know everything God REALLY wants from us or hear His voice if we depend on someone else, ANYONE, other than depending & believing in the Bible & His Word than some mere mortal. Remember your salvation depends on you & not on any religious "leader." Jesus is our Salvation & an example of how we should/NEED to be/live. Church has many, many benefits, but not as much if u stay away from reading the Bible & praying to God for Wisdom & understanding of His Word. No church is perfect. No one church is the right church. The church does not save anyone, (we're the church). Only Jesus can save, so how will you really meet/know Jesus for yourself & receive His salvation if you have not read the Word for yourselves???

JUST SOMETHING I FELT DEEPLY THE NEED TO SAY TO EVERYONE. DEPEND ON NO ONE, DEPEND ONLY ON GOD!!! xoxo God bless! If you truly seek Him & His Word you WILL find Him & be blessed!!!

If this life has anything to gain at all I'll count it loss if I can't hear YOU, feel YOU, 'cause I need YOU. Can't walk this earth alone. I recognize I'm not my own, so before I fall I need to hear YOU, feel YOU, as I live to make my boast in YOU alone.